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A Discourse on Gryzor

Posted by: tf2street on: September 24, 2009

It has become somewhat of a fad to criticise this most-excellent delegate of the ETF2L admin team who goes by the name “Gryzor.” Fortunately, it is easy to discern that these plebeians are simply exercising their intellectual inferiority complexes; his ability to reduce Loco to post-modern poetry

e.e. cummingss last known work

e.e. cummings's last known work

is something that simply must be admired. His responses (not NEARLY enough of which are made during his brief interludes of sobriety) are so wonderfully rational; whilst retaining an aspect of inflammation, they are also what one may often call “Machiavellian,” and they inspire resentment in idiots as often as they reveal the true nature of said idiots.

Unfortunately, there is more to this post than giving head to The Man (nvc and joske have this covered, as you are well-informed). To borrow terms from a certain philosopher (if anyone identifies him correctly, you may yet prove yourselves capable of discerning my identity), I would like to distinguish between the individual will, the corporate will and the general will, and to explain why a lack of this elucidation so often fosters resentment.

In an ideal community, the general will would guide decisions: simple polls could decide outcomes and the rule of the majority would be absolute. This is what uneducated fuck-mouths think that ‘democracy’ must mean. Unfortunately, there are few communities as infested with faggotry and idolatry as videogames, and hence the general will is polluted by fake accounts (not me, of course), loud-mouths and the dangers that so often accompany the power of a vocal minority. The individual will should be an understandable concept to even my slowest readers (at least, I’d HOPE that someone like kluniq possesses such levels of comprehension). All that is left, then, is the corporate will. This, simply, is the will of the ETF2L admin team, the TF2 martyrs of my ludicrously-butchered analogy.

Problems arise when we muddle the individual and corporate wills. The second we see the phrase “League Admin” straddling any forum post, we instinctively assume that the author speaks for the corporate will, the entire ETF2L admin team. As soon as one becomes a member of this elite crew, the moment of crowning is apparently when that one sacrifices the right of individual opinion. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the case of the dearest Sir Gryzor. The result is a hellacious and fervorous exchange of screaming and flaming, an admin member seemingly doubling as the human equivalent of butane. It is only when individual will, without regard for general, visibly alters the corporate will that action through the proper channels should be taken.

Unfortunately it would involve diverting into dissertation, the trademark of certain other writers, to properly flesh out and exhaust this ambitious analogy. That, and I feel mildly ill using political philosophy to discuss a videogame which could feasibly implement a magical dog.

The moral of the story is such: recognize that site admins have, in an act of spontaneous masochism, opted to put up with all you self-important shits, that ETF2L is the only league worth giving a fuck about until (and more likely, unless) UKeSA and ESL can pull miracles out of their asses, and most importantly that they speak for their own beliefs first. I have stated before that discourse is to be encouraged; the line between this and worthless, mutually destructive bitching is apparently one that many cannot see. The amount of people in this community willing to commit to anything is woefully inferior to the amount of people willing to engage in ceaseless denigration. The day that these numbers flip will indeed be a happy one.

That said,

Hail to this country and to the men it produces.

Hail to this country and to the men it produces.

Mr. Q

20 Responses to "A Discourse on Gryzor"

Sweden pwns, aye

Conan can suck my balls.

All of this and not one mention of the fact that I got banned for being abusive to him for more than a hacker does. Dissapointed :(

Your a prepubesent arrogant little irritating slime who doesn’t deserve to ever be unbanned.

You WOULD of been unbanned if you hadn’t of flames the hell out of the forums and been such a complete pile of bubbling shit…

But maybe in the future you’ll learn not to be a tit and you might make some friends.

Gl hf.

Oh and ps, the name i use in TF2 is eoN^, if you want to threaten that you’ll “beat me up @lan” or whatever gives your very very small penis a half hard.

Evidently don’t have a clue behind the reason of my bannings or why is was prolonged, derp. :)

Tbfh eon^ you deserve to be beaten cuz you are the most fucking asslicker I have ever seen.How about you stfu a litttle and dont act like you are superior.

And you are saying about joske that he is a tit and arrogant litle slime.Thats fucking you eoN^,you are acting like a licking ass mofo who cant even say nice things to other people cuz you lived too much in your shit cave with your mom wipeing the shit on your ass.Btw and stop talking shit about joske cuz you aren’y better than him ok?Now you can go back in your cave thxbbye


PS: Arn’t you 13?

eon, you are a massive retard.

No one likes you. No one. Seriously.

Due to having once been in a div 4 who shouted loud enough to bullshit the admins into putting you in div 3 then promptly folded before you could show the world just how truly shit you were you think you’re kind of a good player who knows demoman. You’re not. You’re really really not.

Your english has just been corrected by 2nd (maybe 3rd!) language english speaker.

I’m really having a lot of trouble expressing *just* how stupid I think you are and just how much I look down on you.


Mr. X/Y/Z/Alpha/Beta

i found the “gryzor sucks dicks”

this blog does not fail to deliver

lol, gryzor’s still a dick

Lol joske, comment on your own account mate ;)

And you dont have to be a better player than someone to comment on how much of a prepubesent piece of shit they are :) .

Selling a clue for £10.

I didn’t call anyone prepubescent? lol

Nice puzzle in the picture there, keep the good stuff comin’!

Smoke up to the TF2 Gang in the comments here giong for eachothers throats :)

Yes eon your are a prepubesent piece of shit.

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