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The Insane Exfane.

Posted by: tf2street on: October 1, 2009

The most painful two hours of my life was spent making the pot-addled ramblings of Exfane into something that is worthy of human consumption. Enjoy.

FakkelBrigade is seen as a “friends team,” for obvious reasons – founded by real-life friends, core of the team comprised of those people for most of its existence. How do you balance the aspect of friendship with the desire to win? You moved up pretty rapidly from the lower divisions into your current standing as a division 1 team, and at some point you had to have sacrificed to get into that position, surely? Have the friendships behind the team ever been harmed in search of a win?

[FB] The Insane Exfane: Holy shit. What the fuck is this?

[FB] The Insane Exfane: Well, I wouldn’t really say it harms friendships. But there’s been a couple of situations where all of these friendships don’t make it easier. In the end, you gotta have fun with your team period. But if someone is lacking some obvious skill compared to the others, it won’t do your friendship or teamplay any good. So maybe just to keep your friendship you have to make some cuts, no matter how hard they might be. Friendships are based on a lot of trust and honesty, of course. In the end, it’s just a game and real life friendships will never collapse because of that. Most people will reward honesty above trying to be nice.

Stemming directly from that is my next question. Last season, one of the biggest transfers of the season was Byte joining FakkelBrigade. He was replacing emptynoflow/Paver, a long-time member of the team. While I do not know the full story as I’ve been given many conflicting reports, my impression is that he was performing under the expectations or standards placed on him, and thus was replaced or “forced out” or whatever loaded term you would like to attach to it. Was this a tough decision to make in the end because of the friendship involved? Looking back on it, would you have preferred to play last season out with emptynoflow starting instead of Byte?

[FB] The Insane Exfane: It wasn’t that emptynoflow was underperforming. Instead, he asked us to play less. Now, I don’t know how it happened, but some communication errors resulted in: Paver wanting to play one match a week. So we took on Byte, he would fit right into our schedule and didn’t mind dropping the random game so that we could get noflow playing. We only took on Byte for one season, and also, noflow got a girlfriend in that period who he was spending a lot of time with. When we got all the facts together after hearing noflow’s reaction, we all felt really sad because we thought this was what he wanted as well. Obviously, he was pissed off as well because nobody really understood what he wanted. In the end, if noflow wouldn’t have asked to play a little less, this situation wouldn’t have taken place, and we’d all live happily ever after.

Last season, Byte was with you and there were some “quarrels” with Vale/YoYotech. As far as I understand it, they were making some rather rude/disparaging remarks towards you after games. I know not the specifics, but it was a general attitude of “had to pick up Byte to carry you, huh?” If you could, elaborate a bit on what the real issue was that created these tensions.

[FB] The Insane Exfane: Since the time of FakkelBrigade vs. Rasta in season 2, there have always been tensions between us. It’s never been real hate or anything, but the Netherlands vs. Belgium fight must go on. Nowadays, obviously, they don’t like seeing us “noobs” in division 1. We can’t deny Byte has helped us a lot, but really… carried?!

The claim I most commonly heard thrown at FB was “Team Byte,” from Skinnie on a few occasions.

[FB] The Insane Exfane: Every team with Byte, since wotr, was called Team Byte.

Does it feel weird to you that, after having given you so much grief over having Byte “carry,” they decided to pick him up? I mean “weird” more from the standpoint that, they weren’t just being demeaning to FB with whatever silly little comments they made. It’s definitely aimed at Byte as well, when they’re doing it. It just seems strange to me that they’d devote energy to getting laughs out of Byte being on FB, but pick him up after that mocking.

[FB] The Insane Exfane: Byte is an awesome player, and we only picked him up for one season. Obviously they were jealous of us having him for that season.

Jealous of you having Byte, a well-mannered, intelligent demoman, while they were stuck with… A fine young gentleman.

[FB] The Insane Exfane: So what’s the question? :)

I just wanted to call numlocked gay.

FB have always contributed pretty strongly to the community, its growth, its coverage – there’s the community Mumble, you provide several servers, the SourceTV relays, you ran a Summer Fun Cup to get some new maps into the ETF2L pool and one of your joint leaders is an ETF2L admin. And, also, you have FakkelBrigade.eu, which serves as a site for news, gossip, just a very general approach to TF2.

Considering all you and your clan have contributed, do you think it has been “worth” it? TF2 is considered by plenty of people as dying, and by many more as already dead. You’ve presumably spent real money to provide these things, how do you justify the time, effort, money, etc. when all you get back is a group of generally unpleasant, cuntish division 6 players asking for a handout?

[FB] The Insane Exfane:
At some point, you make the choice to try and do everything you can for a game you love. Seeing all of the people who want to use the Mumble, and having to use two 255-slot STVs on matches, helping people out in general with voice comms and tactics. In my opinion, it’s all been worth it.

So you basically end up with the satisfaction of a Job Well Done and that has been enough for you?

[FB] The Insane Exfane: Yeah, but we’re not done yet. We’re going to keep at our chill/relaxed point of view towards TF2 and keep supporting the community. Until December, we have at least doubled the server power – two dedicated boxes from i3d.

In season 5, your first in division 1, you were not expected to do much and you about met those expectations, maybe slightly exceeded them. I remember when you won your first map in division 1 against coolclan on Granary, there was a pretty good atmosphere surrounding you guys, lots of enthusiasm and hope. Going into season 6, it looks much worse – bleak, even. The loss of Byte, trials having failed so far, Fragga’s retirement to play Modern Warfare 2. From what I have seen, LoopeR has been trialling for you as demo and seems likely to wind up playing with you. So how do you feel going into this season? Hopeful, worried? How do you avoid folding?

[FB] The Insane Exfane: That’s what our discussion today was about, we hope to take LoopeR on and are still considering our lineup for this season. We might look scrambled, but we’re just gonna play and have fun. rcon tf_birthday 1, rcon sv_partymode 1.

Two questions coming out of this – you have been searching for a medic (though the length of time for which you have been looking is up for debate) for a while. What about AnimaL is it that has not worked out or has become a problem?

[FB] The Insane Exfane:
We still love Animal but his chemistry with the team is totally gone. It’s me being very stubborn and him being stubborn. Clashes between two people who are stubborn in-game do not work out. Outside of the game, we are friends, though. It is very demanding to play between me, Byte, and Fragga.

So with AnimaL, when you originally were searching for a medic after Cook’s departure, there really were not any other options. AnimaL almost feels like a pick out of necessity and not something you really wanted to. How true is this? In fact, the only other medic to come along since was Admirable once coolclan folded, but he has now joined TCM… as a backup. Does that feel like a burn to you at all? You spent a week or more trialling him, a significant amount of time for both of you to put in, and he ditches you for so-called greener pastures… where he will not even start.

[FB] The Insane Exfane: We can’t blame Admirable for his choice because he doesn’t wanna be a full time player. We need a full-time medic and in the end, he didn’t want it.

So, this season will be, safe to say, rather difficult for you. New demo, medic who either lacks chemistry or is coming into a new situation. Most people think you are going to fold, or at least most of the people in that awful poll I ran do – 23% of 400+ votes think FakkelBrigade will soon be no more. If it really does look like it will be tough to compete, if not impossible, in division 1 – why not drop to division 2? There are teams like DCSB who seem more than capable of holding thier own in division 1, and if you really are taking a for-fun approach, wouldn’t fun be best had in division 2?

[FB] The Insane Exfane: We are still going to be competitive and we are still going to be a challenge for the “lower” division 1 teams: rockit, IDK?, LOL Team and eSrael. eSrael, especially, having lost their demo recently as well. IDK? are using a “new” teammate, and rockit and LOL are both new to the division as well.

Having to replace your demoman and medic is, in any circumstance, going to be tough to overcome. Do you see yourself finishing all nine weeks of this season? Will it be AnimaL or someone else there at the end?

[FB] The Insane Exfane:
We will finish this season, but we are still considering our lineup for it. It’s going to be close. Vice is the best engie in the world and BvD’s sniping sucks!

You proposed to the admins before the idea of a premiership division. You went to the admins with the proposal for new maps in the map pool and expanding the game, but they shut you down. Did they give you any reason for why this happened? Does it feel rather off-putting that the admin team essentially told you to fuck off?

[FB] The Insane Exfane: That’s not exactly right, as I didn’t include the map proposal – I still want it though, along with the Premiership division. I didn’t hear much from the admins, I only heard it through Jonni. Premiership division would be good, and if you wanted to play with the Premier teams, you could just schedule a PCW.

In general I just think that the ETF2L admins, save one or two, are handling situations rather poorly and I’d like to stress it by finding evidence in other places for this (Moose’s comments, you being shut down on this, etc)

[FB] The Insane Exfane: ETF2L has done great work for the community, though personally, with the loss of DeNeusbeer, there’s not really anyone in the head admins that has a real, active bond with the TF2 community. Daykiller is not active in the community, for what I know. Maybe in the German community… I don’t really know how voting in the ETF2L goes, but I can understand that if the head admin doesn’t want it to go down, it doesn’t happen

You heard it here, folks – Exfane says “FUCK THE ADMINS.”

It was like pulling teeth, man. And I have to interview someone from Latvia next! Fuck my life.
Cheers, Mr. X

25 Responses to "The Insane Exfane."

This Blog is Fakkelbrigade.eu²

and i love it

im famous at last

yes!I’m mentioned again

a worthy read again. gg.

As an ex-admin, the ETF2L staff are really struggling now Deneusbeer has gone to play Aion. Daykiller hasn’t really got a clue about the teams in theleague, and even less so on what’s going on around him.

Even Gryzor being kicked from being an admin has had quite a big impact on how ETF2L is run. He may have been a grumpy prick, but there’s no arguing that his day-to-day league work was excellent and he did a great job. Unfortunately his inter-personal skills were about as subtle as hitting your girlfriend in the face with an iron bar instead of asking her about what she wants for dinner.

More and more admins get recruited, some of which may be competent – but it appears to be a case of too many cooks… Unless a suitable head admin is found to help daykiller soon, I think ETF2L will continue to slide down the toilet and into the sewers of despair.

I would be interested in discussing things with you if you would not mind; send me an e-mail at tf2street at hotmail.com if you feel so inclined.

Mr. Q


ETF2L has taken the slippery-drip-slope of dictatorship. this has served Führer Day when people were content just being part of the team. Now when people see wut has been going on it got kind of tricky to keep the brainacs with clue together. basically people who had the means to do something got kicked out and the people who said “yes, mein führer” got to stay. this means no progress no real knowledgable admins left and no-uh anticheat eople you would trust to tell a red from blue solder left. if anyone gets the banhammer for cheats in season6, you can be SURE and CERTAIN to 100% they are just guessin or atleast don’t know what they are talking about so tis all wrong anyhow.

and this, >I< should know if anyone.

oh, besides Gryzor, Day also kicked More. laff, nice work etf2l. now we have a bunch of clowns running the league… because either way, i saw it as Gryzor pretty much running the show in season5 with all the activity in the forums and on irc… from fire to plauge… poor us :-(

Mr. ABC, inactive and passive etf2l-admin

See my reply to “Ex-Admin” above. If you feel like discussing this further, contact me!

Mr. X

just become active again Mr. JJJ

Oh, the AC.. I have been warning about this since the end of S5, and lo’ and behold — the AC in S6 is indeed a joke. (That was my exact words, ‘AC in S6 will be a joke’) There was 3 people who had a clue, I brought in Anakin to make it 4. We held discussions away from all the others to 95% and by the looks of it now, Anakin is getting very frustrated after I refused to help him out last night with stuff, due to getting kicked for some bullshit reason (the real reason was because I yet again brought up that Day/ETF2L had promised to make good on the deal with Deltron since DAY 1 (hoster of the whole site) but has not. The guy showing everybody AC-stuff on LAN (you know who this is and the reason we took whole AC underground and kept it all in a _VERY_ tight circle and wrote only some bullshit in the AC-forum on the site to cover it up) got upset and his lardass baby-bashing friend joined in — awesome stuff. With jonni and winnieh in their current “state” (and I will not disclose any details on that, since I hold them in very high regard and respect them), Anakin will probably feel cheated into the postition (I had discussions with some finnish coders, this was what pulled Anakin into ETF2L in the first place — he did _NOT_ want to do ‘usual’ ac-stuff, he did that in ESL already), I can say my predictions held true. S6 is a complete and utter failure in the AC department. It’s not a prediction I feel very happy with claiming true, but it’s pretty fucking sad when the “new” AC department (all of those now busted were tips, one were from esl — and all of them confirmed by me and anakin) is “successful”. More lies. Nice. Had I not ticked Day off so bad by (for the Nth time) asking him to PAY UP WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY DELTRONS for hosting the machine, this would never have happened. Greedy cunt. Poor Deltron. Thanks for fucking up the league over fucking money — wonder what will happen now when the 50£ I payed to Deltron no longer is coming his way. Good luck, ETF2L.

Oh yeah, midst all this, we have some truly worthwhile characters, doing NONE of the hard work and popping up when it suits them. Someone mentioned “aye”-sayers above. This could not be more true. I actually deleted three of these (you probably never even noticed they were admins) useless idiots — which I felt was well within my rights to do. Instead of starting a fruitful and constructive dialog about _WHY I DID THIS_ (I even posted a short line about it in the admin-forum), all tracks are erased and I’m given one line that I’m removed as admin. For “abusing my rights”. 6 hours after I bring up the issue of why ETF2L is not paying Deltron anything for hosting. After I learned Deltron had been promised 40% of the ad-revenue and the rest would go to prizes and got /dev/null. I’ve promised him (deltron) over ten times to bring it up and try and fix it. And paying him every month from my personal pocket because I felt bad for him. These short sentences rock. You can easily follow them and understand them. When etf2l pays 50 in prizes for a cup and gives out free sponsor-items for the league, you can pretty much figure it all out by yourself. You wouldn’t believe how many of these useless admins that ganged up on me and screamed for Day for this, and how many oldskool admins that write (as usual in PM) saying I’d get kicked over it. And I knew I would.

All this, over money (and it gets even worse), but I feel this is such a minor detail and that I’m not outing anything ‘private’ ETF2Lish, but gives a small glimpse of the corrupt shit that has and is going on, so I’ll just let it stand as an shining example of what happened with me. All those ideas, for nothing.

In the end, ETF2L has over 2k+ players that should not be concerned with the politics at this level, since the main goal should be that people can play and have fun. Robbing a community is kind of sad, though. Objecting to this, is was got me kicked, nothing else. Discussing this with the other older admins (almost nothing is done on the channel, nobody dares to) shows this has been an ongoing problem for a LONG TIME. I have about 100 or so more pages that would make you vomit, but hopefully, at least the community can scramble some £££ to deltron for his generous hosting over the years — even if you’ve always hated my guts, give ad some credit and help him out. It’d make me very happy and proud and it’d make it feel worth getting the sack over. I’m afraid I personally can’t support him anymore, since I feel it’d just continue the problem I see the league has now, but the players of it really should. The true hero of the league has not seen a single dime for all the hosting and work he has put into it. And it’s just plain wrong.

Perhaps bringing this up publicly will make a drastic change.

In other words, Daykiller is a nazi bastard like scumbag. Fucking hitler of etf2l.

Since you moderate the comments, you can either do something own with the above or just allow it — you get free creativity — your choice. If you want any more details, i can provide _some_. I don’t want to bring individuals (more than the single head-admin day) into this on a higher level, i just jotted things down that really got on my nerve.

tf2streets, enough said.

[...] Gryzor: Oh, the AC.. I have been warning about this since the end of S5, and lo' and behold — the AC in S6 is indeed a joke. (That was my exact words, 'AC in etf2l faggots tf2 [...]

Glad i was removed as an admin in season 4.

glad i was banned

You’re still shit at talking to people, but I love you anyway Gryzor :x

So much bs it’s untrue.

I would like to believe you but as your a drunk irl and a racist irl.

Makes me think twice.

[...] Šis komentārs varētu kļūt leģendārs. Tieši tas aizsāka drāmu, kas strauji sāk izplatīties iekš IRC, iekš tā paša TF2Street, kā arī pašā ETF2L forumā. Baumas par to, ka ETF2L īpašnieks dAykiLLer varētu būt pievācis naudu sev, nemaksājot hosteriem un vispār slēpjot jebkādus ienākumus, aizsākušas arī citu lietu pārskatīšanu. Kā piemēram fiksētās kartes, kuras itkā tika norunātas iepriekšējajai sezonai beidzoties, arī JimmyBreeze ieteikums, ko atbalstīja gandrīz visa pirmā divīzija, proti par Premjerdivīziju, kas sastāv no 5 komandām, kautkur pazuda. [...]

If what gryzr has said is so true, how come after all this time deltron is still with the etf2l team? Surely any normal human being would of left by now

Seems to me like the man was hurting and wanted revenge by making more drama and most likely more lies.

I always find that when gryzr talks he starts off with a valid point then ends up in a loop keeps going over and over and over and over and again with the same moral/principal behind his actions being that he’s a c*nt :D

[...] för lögnare, vilket Gryzor svarar på genom att publicera gamla IRC-loggar. Från ett inlägg på TF2 Street berättar Gryzor: [...]Had I not ticked Day off so bad by (for the Nth time) asking him to PAY UP [...]

Say I freeze meat in January. The package has an expiration date of February. When I thaw it in June, why doesn’t it remember immediately that it should have gone bad four months ago?

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